Archive for December, 2010

Show Results

Well had a ball talking to people and if I got paid for talking today I would be rich.  I did sell one pen a One piece Slimline made of Desert Ironwood so that was cool, had fun though.

Off to the show

Doing my first craft show today just a small one at the local woodworkers source.  Going to have fun and hopefully sell some of my things.  It is always nice to be able to sell something nice to someone that enjoys it.

Seam Rippers & Needle Holder Sets

Here are some finished Sets for you to enjoy the woods are labeled in the pictures.  Any comments are appreciated.  These sets can be made from practically any wood you like.

Some new Rippers

Here are pics of sopme of the new Seam Rippers in an almost finished state, I still have to attach the ripper and finish spraying a couple of coats on but these are a truly one of a kind piece of wood.  The 2 Cocobolo pieces actually came from 1 piece of turning stock end to end.  I am anxious to see what the Needle Holders will look like.